November 23, 2008


got this from andrea's blog
answer this quiz honestly, then, tag 10 ppl whom u want to do this quiz.

1.Explain your current relationship status. 

2. Name a lyric from the last song u listened to. 
it's japanese so i don't really noe...

3. What did u wear today?
class shirt & pants & glasses

4. Do u wear contact lenses or glasses?
i wear glasses

5. How many windows are open on your computer?
3 now. but just now i had 7

6. What will u be doing after this?
play some more until bro wakes up, then watch tv

7. Where did u get the shirt u are wearing?
ms ee???

8. Do you like to cuddle?
a bit. my bro loves to do it

9. Which one of your cousins is closest to u in age?
i dono... they live for away so i wouldn't noe :(

10. Do u like someone.

11. DO u like hugs?

12. Are u a loud person?

13. Are u wearing underwear now?

14. Look to ur left, what do u see?
carpet, piano, tv, speakers, buero, trophies, stairs, chair, sofa, and others... alot of others

15. What is one thing you would love to happen tomorrow?
i get to eat something delicious:)

16. Would your parents be mad if u came home smashed?
off course... maybe... no... yes...

17. Have u ever had a crush on ur sibling's friend?

18. Does it matter if ur bf/gf smoked?
don't have 1

19. Do u think u hv made a difference in anyone's life?

20. Is there a guy or a girl who knows mostly everything about u?
no... yes... maybe... or... my parents

21. Who was the last person u had a phone call longer than 7 minutes?
my auntie, on skype, lasted 2 hours

22.How often do u hold back from saying what u r thinking?

23. last serious hug?
22 nov '08

24. Would u ever die ur hair blonde?
NEVER!!! i would dye my hair blue or orange or brown

25. Is something bothering u?

26. Has anyone ever told u that u have pretty eyes?

27. Do u believe that u can change for someone.
some times... in my dreams

28. What woke u up this morning?
my dying urge to use the bathroom

29. Would u go back in time to change something?
off course

30. Is it hard leaving ppl behind?
yes... very hard

31.What are u excited for?
the cruise trip and hk trip in dec:)

32. Who was the last missed call?
dono... i deleted it last night

33. At the moment are u more warm or cold?
very hot... just thinking about oning the air-con

34. What was the last thing u spent ur money on?
a drink... 80 cents only:)

35. Is there a song that reminds u of ur whole summer?
no summer in singapore, so no song

36. What r u doing right now?
doing this quiz and turning on the air-con, and talking to my mom on msn

37. Can u handle the truth?
some times... when u noe the truth doesn't hurt

38. How's ur life lately?
boring... more boring... sleep whenever i want

39. When was the last time u did something u knew was wrong?
i dono... maybe i'm always wrong

40. If the year consist of only one season, which one will u choose?

41. DO u hate being alone?
some times yes, and other times no

42. Where were u last night
at home watching wrestling with my bro

43. Last non-alchoholic consumed?
gatorade... very refreashing

44. DO u currently have a hickey?

45. Think back to the last person who held hands with u. Will u kiss them?
NO WAY!!!!!

46. When did u get ur first myspace?
don't have one

47. Are you drifting away from any friends?

48. What are u listenning to?
rondo by on/off

49. What are u doing tonight?
fencing... then go home then eat then watch tv then sleep

50. Did the last person who put his/her hand around u mean anything to u?
no. he's my bro

51. Are u wearing socks?
no, too stuffy

52. Do u have anything in ur pockets now?
no... my pants has no pockets

53. Who was ur last text from?
qi hui, my fencing friend

54. Are u comfortable answering personal questions?
no... makes me want to sleep

55. Ever kissed someone who smokes?

56. Is someone on ur mind right now?
no. thinking when the next episode of my fav anime will come out

57. Do u consider urself spoilt?

58. Who was the last peron to sit on ur bed?

59. Where were u at 2.02 this morning?
sleeping in my bed

60. Did u sleep last night, smiling?
don't think so.. even if i did i won't noe

61. Anyone told u a secret this week?

62. When was the last time u bought something?
sat... doe's buying a drink from a vending machine count?

63. Do u play an instrument.
yeah. the piano... but i quit when i was p3... so i don't anymore... but i learn from u tube

10 ppl u want to do this quiz.
- Sophia
-Jia Yi

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